Monday, March 10, 2008

Letter 8

The chapter I chose to write on was chapter 8. I found it very interesting how he describes how God's relationship with his followers is very different from the devil's. I really liked how he said that the devil just wants absorbs you and then leave you. He has no concern for you or for taking care of you. This is quite contrary to what God does. On page 39 it says, "We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons." I thought that this explained it very well. God wants us to come and he will always be there for us. He will not just get us to follow him and then leave us. He will stay with us through everything because his goal is not just to have "won" us to his side of the war but to take care of us. The devil just wants to do anything to take us away from God. He knows that we go in cycles as he calls them. He takes advantage of us when we are weak. However, he knows that once people start to follow him and realize there is no gain in this they will turn back for something else. This is in our nature he says. I think it is very interesting how Lewis makes these comparisons. I felt like this letter was the most comprehend able so far. I really could relate to the different ways of describing the relationships.

1 comment:

Becky Danek said...

Trina, I agree with a lot of what you think about letter 8. To begin, it was very comprehendable and easy to understand. I also think it was funny how he chose to compare God and the Devil. I agree with what you say about following God and his beliefs but I also feel like there was a lot that was said in this letter. Some of it I agreed with, and some of it I didn't. It was a very interesting letter.
