Monday, May 12, 2008

Screwtape Proposes a Toast

This was set at the Devil's banquet. I found it to be an extremely interesting chapter. It talks about how the flavor of sinner's has become much more dull. They are nothing compared to Hitler is one of the remarks he makes. He points out that the sins these people have commited are not as many large sins. They are sins that society now over looks as just regular everyday things. Some of these are the advertising for sexiness which leads to adultry. I found this very interesting because I definitely feel that our society has changed the way that people view sins and everyday life. I found it very interesting how he talked about all of this and how he put his thoughts into little examples and almost comical sarcastic references. I found that this chapter was harder to understand at times though in comparrison to the last few that we have been reading.


DANNY'S BLOG said...

Sin has become dull in the sense that people do it so much that it feels right or has to sting to it. Our society glorify evil , good works seem cliche these days and charity seems saved for celebrities adopting babies. Television makes the escape from these thoughts impossible, as you mentioned with the whole sex sells idea about sexiness and adultery. Nice post.

Jacki said...

I definitely agree with you, for this chapter had a lot of intersting comments and theories. I agree that sociey does not realize how much some sins have become the norm. Hopefully, we can all learn soon how to overcome these temptations. However, I agree that this chapter was a little more confusing than the previous ones.

Stephen said...

I totally agree with the part about people not viewing their sins as as big of a deal as they may actually be. The way of life in the world is not one that God would truly approve. I think it may be time for a second coming of Jesus or maybe someone like Jesus to make the people on earth appreciate what we have been given and to live a life and teach us to follow in his image again.