Monday, May 12, 2008

Screwtape Proposes a Toast

This was set at the Devil's banquet. I found it to be an extremely interesting chapter. It talks about how the flavor of sinner's has become much more dull. They are nothing compared to Hitler is one of the remarks he makes. He points out that the sins these people have commited are not as many large sins. They are sins that society now over looks as just regular everyday things. Some of these are the advertising for sexiness which leads to adultry. I found this very interesting because I definitely feel that our society has changed the way that people view sins and everyday life. I found it very interesting how he talked about all of this and how he put his thoughts into little examples and almost comical sarcastic references. I found that this chapter was harder to understand at times though in comparrison to the last few that we have been reading.

Monday, May 5, 2008

I thought this letter was very interesting. It made think differently. He talks about war in an earlier chapter of the book. In this chapter he talks about how people find war to bring them closer spiritually. This is because people think that if they die they will want to be close their loved ones. This is very interesting because you never think of war like this. You think of it in a violent way, not in a spiritual way. I found it a very different way to think about things.