Friday, February 22, 2008

Reading through the first three letters of the book Screwtape Letters gave me a different view on how the devil works. The first letter talks about how God can work on non believers. It then tells about how the devil works to get into the minds using materialistic things. I thought that it was very interesting how they talked about all the different ways the devil tries to steer you away. I found this interesting because I could relate to many of these feelings. I also thought that it was very interesting how they talked about how showing reality makes a person less certain of their faith. I understand how reality can definitely stray a person because one look at this world makes a person wonder where God is. However as a Christian you must look and see that we are the problem and that God is trying to work in the world however, most of the time people won't let him in. I also find it interesting how the devil talks about how even new Christians can be worked on in church. I found this interesting because a person in church shoudl be worshiping but a lot of times they are judging. The three letters were very insightful and made me think about things I should look out for when I am in my everyday life.


Kacy said...

I agree that the devil works in many ways to get people to worship him over God. I also agree that reality can make people stray away from religion by making people question things. Personally, I question aspects of religion because science explains things logically where religion forces people to have a strong belief in God creating everything.

Jacki said...

I really agree with Trina. These three chapters really opened my eyes up to the different ways evil works especially in religion. As Trina states, It is very interesting how you can be so distracted and judgemental towards others while you are in church! These three chapters forced me to asses myself and my committment to my religion.

.agrigorian. said...

I agree that in today's world, we are always sway away from God in different ways by the devil and a lot of time to materialistic things. I also see your point of many Christians who are very judmental in many situations in my own church. Even though many people believe in and follow God in their faith, he is pretty vacant in everyday lives sometimes. As Christians we definately have to wake up and see that we are the problem a lot of the time and try to change and follow in a way that mimics our faith.